

two disabled girls laughing

Support for the Disabled Population

Being born with a disability is a challenging ordeal, so we support organizations that create hope, healing, and happiness for the disabled community and their families.

Support for Orphans and Foster Care

We often take family for granted, but not everyone has one initially. We support organizations dedicated to improving the lives of orphaned children and children in the foster care system.

Support for Single Mothers

Women are powerful and strong, but every single mother needs a support system that she can rely on. We support organizations dedicated to improving the lives of single mothers and their children.


Veteran man hugging children

Support for Veterans

Our veterans that sacrifice so much for our freedom deserve our respect, gratitude, and assistance when they return home. We support organizations focusing on veteran support and empowerment.

Woman hugging widow

Support for Widows and Widowers

Losing a spouse is a challenge that no one should face alone. In some societies, widows are often blamed for their spouse’s death and shunned as outcasts. We support organizations that help widows survive and thrive as valuable and cherished members of their communities.

Young woman hugging senior woman

Support for Seniors

Senior adults are a treasure. They have so much wisdom and insight to share. However, many are often forgotten or they are too ashamed to ask for assistance. We proudly support organizations that help seniors meet their needs and also maintain a sense of self-worth, purpose, and a healthy active lifestyle.