Poverty Reduction

Poverty Reduction

Small business owner making a purchase

Small Business Empowerment

We appreciate other small businesses and enjoy supporting efforts to empower small businesses, micro-businesses, woman-owned businesses, and minority-owned businesses. 

Adult Literacy Programs

There are adults that struggle with literacy silently. We support initiatives to combat this issue and empower adults to learn, develop, and grow.

Food bank volunteer

Food Banks and Basic Needs

Meeting the basic needs of healthy meals and food stability is an important initiative that we are passionate about. 

People eating at a soup kitchen

Homeless Support

Any one of us could have been homeless, and often, as working professionals we are only a few paychecks away from experiencing a housing problem.  Supporting homeless people is an initiative that we proudly support.

Young child moving into a house

Homeownership for the Underserved

Owning a home is a key step in creating generational wealth for future generations. We are proud to help efforts to make homeownership a reality for underserved people.
